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Civil War Soldier Genealogy Demonstration

WELCOME to HDS' Civil War Research Database - the largest relational database of its kind containing the military records of over 1.5 million soldiers. The information about each soldier will vary. For some soldiers, particularly those with short service periods, the information will be limited; for others the information is more detailed. For a subscription fee of $10.00 you can access the Database for genealogical research and examine the military records for 7 days. For complete access to the entire Database the Annual Subscription fee is only $25.

What the Civil War Research Database-Genealogy data is:
  • Significant war period events in the life of a soldier
  • A springboard for additional study of the Civil War
  • A database that continues to grow
  • A best effort for minimizing data inaccuracies
What the Civil War Research Database-Genealogy data is not:
  • Complete - we continue to add to it each week
  • A complete genealogy on every soldier
  • Error free

We invite you to take the genealogy tour now and learn about the Visitor Pass program. After this tour you may wish to check the Personnel and Officer directories to determine whether a particular soldier's information has been entered into the database. (The Officer Directory contains personnel who achieved a rank of Brigadier General or higher; all other officers may be found in the Personnel Directory.)

If you would like to learn more about the entire Civil War Research Database and how to become an Annual Subscriber with unlimited access to the entire Database for only $25 we invite you to take the complete Civil War Research Database demonstration.